nur wir nicht

nur wir nicht

Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg
Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg

everyone but us Nico and Nele recently moved to Berlin, intending to live out their love anonymously in the big city. When Nele gets unintentionally pregnant, everything is suddenly at stake for the siblings.


35. Bamberger Kurzfilmtage, Germany – Audience Award
18. Fünf Seen Filmfestival, Germany – Honorable Mention

24. Landshuter Kurzfilmestival, Germany
12. Dortmunder Tresen Filmfestival, Germany
46. Biberacher Filmfestspiele, Germany


We wanted to develop a wacky comedy, and I researched the topic of incest. My findings amazed me: The German Ethics Council favors decriminalizing incest, and so is the German Society for Human Genetics. Say what?! The discovery not being in line with my moral compass piqued my interest. We researched further, dropped the comedy angle, and decided to tackle the topic in all its complexity with respect, giving credence to the existing polemics. We wrote a drama instead.

In Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, the coitus of direct blood relatives is forbidden. Siblings face up to two years of imprisonment. But consensual incest is a victimless crime, so a ban is difficult to legitimize legally. Because if we condemn consensual adult incest solely on the grounds of offspring health, we would equally have to do so with all other non-related risk patients.

After a deeper examination of the issue, we are now firmly in favor of decriminalizing consensual incest. Freedom and self-determination are central goods of our society; that's what we stand for. Our film is neither intended to shock nor impose an opinion. We want to tell a touching story: the audience should try to comprehend our characters and their struggles – showcase compassion and support, feel their love and fear. It is a moral dilemma challenging our society's established cannons of tolerance. Because 'Love is Love' – right?


Director – Diego Hauenstein

Screenplay – Dominik Wolfinger, Diego Hauenstein

Producer – Valerie Karbjinski, Peter Riedl, Diego Hauenstein

Cast – Lucas Riedle, Barbara Dussler, Mariananda Schempp

Cinematography – Paul Sonntag

Editing – Wolfgang Purkhauser

Set Design – Simona Mele

Costumes – Antonia Möltgen

Hair & Make Up – Nicole Durovic

Sound – Simon Schmalz

Sounddesign – Markus Kenel

Music – Nicolas Balmer

Re-Recording Mixer – Paul Powaljaew

VFX Supervision – Fabian Peitzsch

1st AD – Lena Imboden

Colorist – Rafael Starman

Motion Design – Charlotte LIeb

Art Work – Lukas Ackermann

Credits: Lukas Ackermann